This branch of sports, which corresponds to the Turkish HİS Federation slogan “sports for all ages from 3 to 93”, should enter every home and be supported to create healthy and social generations. It is a known fact that sports are imperative to the introduction of countries. The Hemsball family, which has an international vision, is a society with the goal to make this sport an Olympic branch and to be a sport of the 2024 olympics in which our country wins medals. The Hemsball family is ready for ‘Olimhems’ …
‘Burak ÖZTÜRK – Sports Manager’

Sports have been a socio-political point of interest for people throughout the eras. Sports activities, which were developed in ancient history to survive and prepare for wars, have become an industry along the way with technological and social advancements and impacted many fields like education, health, economy, culture and politics to become the subject of many branches of science like psychology, sociology, medicine, physics and economics.

With the advances in technology in our present day the daily activities of people have become limited resulting in the physical and mental problems that accompany inactivity. Health has become an important problem of the modern era. Sports emerge as an important tool in the solution of such problems. Hippocrates had said that the safest way to health is through nutrition and sports. İbn-i Sina said that one of the 3 basic ways to maintain good health was ‘sports’ in addition to nutrition and sleep.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health not just as protecting oneself from diseases and germs, but as the state of being physically, mentally and socially well. The connection of sports with physical, mental and social wellbeing can be explained by the relevant sciences.

It has been stated by international organizations that the sports activities that are done in our present day are not just for healthy people but are a social event that can be done by everyone. It can be said that there is progress in this direction in our country as well. The “sports for all ages from 3 to 93” slogan used by the Sports for Everyone (HİS) Federation of Turkey is a clear sign in this direction.

I would like to talk a little about the T.R. Official Sports Branch of Hemsball, which we hear about frequently and is a completely local and national branch of sports: Hemsball, a branch of sports that can be played easily by individuals of any age, is a fun and entertaining sport. This sport which can be played in both indoor and outdoor areas, can be enjoyed at home, in the yard or even in the street. Considering that it is a completely local and national branch of sports and that the founder of this sport is a Turk (Murat ALTINAY), Hemsball is not only physically, mentally and spiritually beneficial but very significant in terms of the introduction and development of our country and has the quality of a national duty and responsibility for us.

Let’s Get to Know the Sport of Hemsball

In order to catch and serve the ball while playing Hemsball you have to have excellent hand, eye and foot coordination and a high level of focus and concentration. The name of this new sport is created from the words that are the element of performance during the game (in English) as explained below:

H= Hand

E= Energy

M= Move

S= Stability


The Rules of the Game

Hemsball involves sending the ball to the Hemsball hoop on the Hemsball target board located on the ground without touching the hoop into the rival player’s zone to touch the ground and then preventing the rival from doing the same to you.

Instructor training for the T.R. Official Sports Branch of Hemsball was provided by the Sports For Everyone (HİS) Federation of Turkey in many locations from Izmir to Artvin, from Denizli to Kilis and Ankara. Also it is said that the HİS Federation is preparing referee instructions and will soon be providing Hemsball Referee training. There are professional Hemsball Trainers in the four corners of Turkey and the Hemsball promoting activities are continuing everywhere in our country like at the 20th Çal Vine Harvest Culture and Arts Festival in Denizli’s Çal District.

This branch of sports, which corresponds to the Turkish HİS Federation slogan “sports for all ages from 3 to 93”, should enter every home and be supported to create healthy and social generations. It is a known fact that sports are imperative to the introduction of countries. The Hemsball family, which has an international vision, is a society with the goal to make this sport an Olympic branch and to be a sport of the 2024 olympics in which our country wins medals. The Hemsball family is ready for ‘Olimhems’ …

For questions and views on Hemsball please visit


‘Burak ÖZTÜRK – Sports Manager’

Translatör: Recep TEKE

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